Recap: You're Beautiful - Episode 4

I like this episode because it moves several different story lines forward. This show is great since it's so much more than "lolz grl pretndz 2 b boy lololol pop idolz". Or something along those lines. ^_^ Thanks again to maxiechan for the caps.


Drama: You're Beautiful (미남이시네요) 
Episode: 4

As we saw at the end of the last episode, MN is basically drowning after hiding in the pool to avoid being caught changing. Not her brightest idea. And TK is nervously checking his watch and waiting for the others to leave. Caring far too much for someone who doesn't care. The second they do leave, he jumps in after her. Aww. I love him. He's so angry, but so cute.


In the process of rescuing MN from a potential watery grave, TK somehow gets kicked in the face and gets knocked out. Smooth, Min Nyu. Kill your savior. Good plan. So as MN collapses on the side of the pool, surprised and happy that she isn't dead, TAE KYUNG IS DROWNING. Which she finally realizes after an eternity of getting dressed and then a moment of "wait a minute... someone saved me." Yeah, he's still in the water.


MN manages to somehow save him (THEY SAVED EACH OTHER AWW :DDD), and he's carted away to an ambulance. On the way there, MN holds his hand tightly, trying to wake him up and see if he's okay. He does wake up, groggily, looking up and her and saying her name. Well, her brother's name. He puts his hand over hers and it could be a sweet moment... except of course, he's only trying to pull her hand off of his. What a brat.


Outside A.N. Studios, the fangirls cheer thanks for MN, having completely forgotten their previous animosity towards her since she "rescued Tae Kyung oppa". Meanwhile, President Ahn tries to convince TK to stay in the hospital a while longer, since the PR is good for MN's image. "Who saved who?" he mutters to himself. Nice try, Prez.


In another part of the hospital, a young woman sits by the bedside of sick little girl as camera's flash and record their "heartbreaking exchange". The woman, "the nation's fairy", actress Yoo Ye Hi (UEE from After School), begins to shed bitter tears for the small girl's suffering as she tells her to be strong, exiting the room to "control her emotions" a minute later. Everyone sighs and compliments her kindness as she rushes out (one of the other patients hopping on the bed trying to get a good photo), but something smells suspicious. And it isn't kimchi.


We see YHY (or as I like to call her, WHY?) exit the hospital, abruptly drying her tears and smiling to herself. It's clear she was completely faking her sorrow, and she immediately becomes a bitch. She heads for the celebrity van nearby, hopping in and whining to what she thinks is one of her "people" how her eyes are all puffy from the fake crying and how tiring it is pretending to care, etc, etc. When there's no response after she asks for a tissue, she turns around angrily only to be greeted by a rather amused Hwang Tae Kyung. Someone got in the wrong vaaaan. She tries to flip back to her cheerful fake persona, but TK tells her to drop the act. "National fairy? What fairy?" She is hereby known as Fake Fairy. After being exposed and then forced out of the van, FF is understandably miffed. But it's her own fault, so I can't bring myself to care.


The reporter from before (I haven't a clue what his name is, I don't pay enough attention) corners her as she heads away from the van, badgering her about an interview after her photo op. He curiously watches as the van drives away, bearing the A.N.Jell logo, and immediately begins theorizing as to why Yoo He Yi was in the A.N.Jell van. It's because she's a dumb bitch, but he doesn't know that.


At the house, MN is confronted by Jeremy.. and a water hose. "There's something with you," he tells her. So cute when he's angry. Jeremy is love. :D After questioning her about why she was with TK at the pool, he chases after her with the hose, becoming momentarily distracted (and then freaked out) when she has a model-esque wet hair flipping moment. Ha. He loves her. Everyone does, really, as evidenced by Shin Woo coming out of nowhere and spraying Jeremy with another hose a moment later to stop his attack. Poor Jeremy. In his distress he hug attacks a confused Jolie, who vainly tries to escape his wet grasp.


As MN wrings out her soaked shirt by the sink, Shin Woo starts to dry her hair. He's adorable, but sort of a creeper. He also questions her about why she was at the pool with TK and how he fell in, albeit more casually than Jeremy's method. TK interrupts them saying how it was his fault, and MN happened to save him. She runs over and there's a cute moment where he stops her in her tracks a few feet from him just by putting his hand up. She really is like a little puppy around him. :B Naturally she follows him back to his room (despite his glaring -- like that's anything new), and after a minute of poking her head in the door, comes in to explain what she prepared for him. Which happens to be prawn porridge. Which he is deathly allergic to. Whoops. She apologizes profusely, insisting she didn't know, and he tells her "that's why [she's] scary".


Later the band practices together for the upcoming stage performance, MN being scolded for her lack of rhythm on several occasions before getting it right (and being denied a high five from TK, which she then gives herself).


There's a cute MN/SW moment when he opens her water bottle for her (which Jeremy promptly snatches, making faces), and then a little TK staring at MN and smirking while she gets cream puff all over her face. They so love her. They arrive back at the house to find Manager Ma and Kko Di. They're back! Is it bad that I barely missed them? I love the two of them and everything, but... it honestly didn't even register with me that they weren't around. Manager Ma apologizes for being a coward and not telling President Ahn about MN's identity when he was supposed to, but MN forgives him quickly and shows them the picture she received from the woman in the red dress.


MN's aunt and her friend sit in a jail cell discussing what to do. They're there because some friend of theirs entered a bad business deal and lost all their money or something. I'm not really clear on that. Nor do I really care. She tells her friend she has a plan, and it's apparently to leech off of her newly famous nephew. Great plan. Not. While A.N.Jell sits around eating ice cream (MN and SW are sharing, hahah), Jeremy watches the video of Fake Fairy at the hospital, commenting on how nice and pretty she is. He announces loudly that he likes this type of girl, trying to confirm with both TK and SW that they do too, who both seem apathetic about the subject. Seems more like he's trying to reassure himself that none of them like MN. When in reality they all do. Now might be the time to mention TK has been staring at her the entire conversation. He does that a lot. TK scoffs at FF's melodramatic performance and says he doesn't like her. Jeremy is shocked, asking him "If you don't like someone like her, what type of person do you like?" "Go Mi Nam," TK suddenly says, causing Jeremy to almost have an aneurysm. I'd like to say he's answering the question, but he's just telling her to clean the ice cream off of her face. We'll pretend he's answering the question. Since he's been staring at her the whole time. Jeremy then questions MN for her taste in girls like Yoo He Yi, and MN, having grown up in a convent, doesn't even have a clue who she is. Consider yourself lucky, darling.


Manager Ma unconvincingly announces MN "likes girls a lot", but she just asks him who Yoo He Yi is. Which prompts him and KD to give her a crash course in celebrities and pop idols, forcing her to name all 13 members of Super Junior in one breath, among other things ("Leeteuk Heechul Han Geng Yesung Kangin Shindong Sungmin Eunhyuk Donghae Siwon Ryeowook Kibum Kyuhyun!")


MN recites to herself in the bathroom, running into a stall when the A.N. trainees enter, convincing them that she's avoiding them. She pretends instead to be crapping, making some pretty gruesome noises before they appear to get grossed out and leave. And then MN stupidly makes a comment to herself that she's only avoiding them so they won't notice she's a girl. Something she immediately regrets when she exits the stall and finds them all staring at her, dumbstruck. Smooth. "You're... a girl?" As the trainees rush at her to make sure after she shakes her head, she flees the bathroom, running past several people, including President Ahn and the annoying reporter, the trainees alerting everyone that "Go Mi Nam is a girl!!" Eventually even the fangirls find out, and MN finds herself running from a crowd of people as they lob signs at her head.


She comes to a halt as she sees Mother Abbess getting out of a taxi, who eventually manages to point out how she's not out of breath or injured in anyway... also, the crowd behind her is frozen. Ohhh. It's a DREAM. Whoops. So yeah.. she definitely fell asleep on the toilet. Awkward.


Later the gang all head out to sign autographs for the fangirls (MN freaks out slightly when she sees a replica of the sign that hit her in the head in her dream), and MN is surprised when a shy wide eyed Sa Yu Ri asks for hers, having been hated by them before. TK scoffs at her elementary "autograph" that basically anyone could forge, and (after making sure she's watching) signs his own carefully crafted one with a flourish as MN looks on, fascinated. And it's soooo funny, because he's obviously trying to show off to impress her. Hahaha. Boys.


Naturally, MN asks for his guidance in helping her choose an autograph to use, but he tells her all of her examples are pretty mediocre. When she asks if maybe he'd like to create one for her to copy, he brushes the idea off, only to think about it for a minute, start sharpening pencils, and then proceeds to work on it for hours after she leaves. How apathetic of you, Tae Kyung. More like adorable. And as someone on viikii pointed out, isn't writing someone's name over and over what people in love do? Teehee. SW finds MN struggling to create an autograph outside, and agrees with TK when she shows him her efforts. Though he doesn't seem at all happy when he learns she showed TK first, and tells her to come to him from now on if she has a question about those sort of things. Stealthy, Shin Woo. As TK straightens the ridiculously giant pile of finished autographs (it's like an inch tall, that's a lot of paper), SW helps MN create her autograph. Aww. Someone is gonna end up saaaad.


Shin Woo and Min Nyu discuss the coolness of "her" name and also the fact that she may find her mother one day soon, and MN seems to be convinced there must be a reason her mother abandoned her and her brother right after they were born. In the meantime, TK sneaks into MN's room (why can't he do this more often?) to strategically place the autograph he made her. I find it funny how he still refers to her as a he in his monologues, and later switches over to she in future episodes. XD For some reason he opts not to put in on the table, "since it might mixed up with all the others", (have I mentioned I love it when he talks to himself? And the way he says Go Mi Nam? ... And his voice in general?) and instead shoves in halfway inside her trunk. Yeah, she'll... totally see it there? Weirdo perfectionist. Just after coming out of her room, TK runs into MN in the hall, drilling her in a rather possessive way, if you ask me ("Where were you and what were you doing?"), and she proudly announces she's created an autograph with Shin Woo. Whoopsie.


TK is suddenly in a rather foul mood, and tries to hide his obvious jealousy, pretending not to care about seeing her autograph. The boy did make like 300 of them or something. You can't really blame him. But I get the feeling his bad mood has nothing to do with all the work he put in and everything to do with the fact that it was Shin Woo who made an autograph for her instead. MN is a bit perplexed at his sudden attitude as he retreats to his Bat Cave and rants to himself, crossing his arms and totally grumping. Mr. Grumpy Gills. It suddenly occurs to him that she might find the autograph and (his vivid imagination demonstrates) laugh hysterically at his efforts. These people are insane, I swear.


So, he once again sneaks into her room (try it when she's there and awake next time), this time on a mission to get the autograph back before she finds it. Of course, MN is asleep flopped over the trunk, clearly having been admiring/practicing her new autograph. TK pushes her face (not very gently) out of the way to get a look at it, deeming it nothing special, and manages to look very wrong as he reaches around MN (who sleeps like she's dead) to pull his autograph out of the trunk. But of course, as soon as it finally comes free, TK and MN both fall backwards (MN landing on top of him XD), knocking over a lamp and making the room completely dark. This is unfortunate for TK (MN is still fast asleep, I pray there's never a fire in her room), because in addition to various other ailments (germaphobia, OCD, shellfish allergies, and just general grumpiness, among other things), he apparently also has night blindness. His efforts to alert MN are of course ineffective (and how awkward would that conversation be, anyway?), and he's forced to crawl and feel his way towards the door, falling over pieces of furniture as he goes.


The next day, Mi Ja and her friend are exiting the jail, eating tofu (which is apparently a custom when you get out of jail, I had no idea) and discussing how to best contact Go Mi Nam to basically give them money. Umm... okay. Meanwhile, it's the day of the stage performance and TK watches an interview of his evil mother on a talk show on the way there, where she mentions her favorite song of hers and the man who wrote it for her. A man named Go Jae Hwa. Go, you say? Iiiiinteresting. Especially since MN said her father was a song writer.


A.N.Jell arrives at the performance arena or whatever it is, running into Fake Fairy outside, much to Jeremy's joy and TK's utter indifference. He rolls his eyes as she pulls her nice act, which Jeremy instantly falls for. Our poor naive clueless Jeremy.


MN has a pep talk with Manager Ma, at some point getting Studio B and Studio D mixed up. Durr. So naturally she heads to the wrong studio, where she comes across none other than The Evil One. Who not so politely orders her to bring her her purse and massage her temples. And then thinks to ask who she is.


Kko Di eventually notices MN is missing and asks around if anyone's seen her, which they haven't. TK feigns indifference once again. We so see through you, kid. Give it up. YOU CARE. MN is actually sitting with Mo Hwa Ran (who not so discreetly spikes her own coffee) and cheerfully brings up the fact that Tae Kyung is a fan of hers, as he has many of her albums and movies. Something Evil One is understandable shocked to hear, before laughing to herself. Way to unknowingly crush a man's dignity in one fell swoop, sweetie.


MN eventually finds her way to the right studio, running into Manager Ma on the way, who mentions he's off to meet the person who dropped off the picture. She then sits nervously clutching her phone while getting ready, waiting for him to call her with news. SW encourages her before they get ready to go perform, and the group heads to the stage.


While Manager Ma meets with MN's aunt and finds out MN's mother might in fact be gone, TK spots MN checking her phone repeatedly -- probably because he is always watching her -- and drags her outside to take it from her so she won't be distracted and just focus on the performance.


The concert ends up being a huge success. The lights are so pretty, and TK and MN's voices sound so good together. It's proof that they belong together, clearly. Clearly. Don't fight me on this.


After the concert, amidst President Ahn's praising, MN looks for TK to get her phone back, but not finding him, asks to borrow Jeremy's and calls Manager Ma. TK, in the meantime, is reading a text from Manager Ma that reveals her mother can't be found, and goes to look for MN, obviously worried.


Once MN learns her mother is most likely dead, she collapses into a puddle of tears, which thoroughly freaks out an unsuspecting Jeremy, who goes to get help. TK finds MN crying by herself and the two exchange a wordless look before MN sobs out that her mother isn't in this world anymore. Aww. :(


Jeremy's gone to get Shin Woo, who immediately bolts when he hears MN is crying, but TK is already there comforting her (by pulling her close... mwahaha), and the episode ends with the other two witnessing their close moment. And then they make out. ...Kidding. >_>


Paige said...

I still think that Jeremy is really cute. He's so innocent and clueless, lol. :D

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