Recap: You're Beautiful - Episode 3

I love this episode!! :D I was surprised that TK found out MN was a girl so early on, and was even more surprised that almost immediately after she KNEW he knew. It's something a little different that makes me like this drama more. :) Thanks again to maxiechan for the screencaps.


Drama: You're Beautiful (미남이시네요) 
Episode: 3


We start this episode where the last one left off, as usual, as TK shows MN the video he recorded of her and Wang Kko Di oh-so-stealthily discussing her femaleness. He seems glad he finally has solid enough evidence to make her go away, but MN is having none of that. As Jeremy witnesses curiously from around the corner, MN blocks TK's path to the elevator, pleading with him. He just glares. It was worth a shot.


Tae Kyung pushes her aside and gets in the elevator, gloating just before the doors close. In those few seconds MN makes a quick decision -- and snatches TK's phone out of his hand to make a run for it. Inevitably he catches up with her, and despite her attempts to run away, she's cornered. They struggle with the phone while having a heated discussion in which TK points out that video or no video, she's still a girl -- and people will find out eventually. MN realizes the truth in this, and lets go of the phone too easily in her distraction as TK grabs it, sending it flying. This seems to happen to Min Nyu a lot.


The phone has landed on the top of a truck, and after a moment of analyzing, TK orders MN to go up and get it, an order she immediately follows. So obedient. As MN struggled to climb up the side of the truck, TK suddenly remembers he's a gentlemen, and helps her. Not by giving her a boost or anything -- but by pushing her up by her ass. Lovely. MN gets the phone and immediately gives it to TK, curiously enough. She's far too kind. He examines it carefully for scratches, faced away from the truck as MN contemplates how to get back down. And then the truck starts to move. MN tries to alert a thoroughly distracted TK as the truck backs up closer to him, but he is, naturally, completely oblivious. When he finally does turn around, he can only give a blank look of surprise as the truck now moves forward -- taking a terrified MN with it. As he stares stupidly.


MN holds on for dear life, her cries for help unheard by the truck driver. But then, she's yelling so quietly he wouldn't hear her even if he didn't have headphones on. After a few terrifying minutes, MN turns her head after hearing a yell from behind her. It's Tae Kyung. Running after the truck. Oh. Em. Gee. :D I have two things to say. One, YAAAAY HE CARES HE CARES HEHEHE. Two... holy shit does he run fast. How the hell did he catch up with the truck? Must know some damn good short cuts. But more importantly, HE CARES.


The truck finally stops at a red light, and TK yells to MN to jump, but her shaky Bambi legs aren't really giving her much help. TK runs faster as the light begins to change again, finally catching up and convincing MN to jump at the last minute. So she does. And lands on him. Ouch. And aww. But ouch. As they walk (well, limp) home, MN thanks him for saving her (hehehe) and TK basically just starts complaining how having her around makes him into someone else. It isn't him, he insists. Pointing to a nearby ad of himself looking suave and modeling a phone like a loser, he tells her THAT'S him. God I hope not.


He suddenly recalls all the "trouble" she's put him through -- namely that kiss. *wink* Ranting some more, poor MN on the receiving end looks properly chagrined. I just love PSH's faces. She's so adorable. ^^


MN tells Manager Ma and Kko Di the news, and the manager has some puzzling ideas for how things should play out, for some reason involving Old Boy and Super Junior. Hell if I know why. But that reminds me, why are there so many damn people in SuJu? I think they're literally the largest boy band in the world or something. It seems... excessive. That said, Sorry Sorry is a ridiculously addicting song. But shh.


TK talks to himself (it's a drama, of course he talks to himself) in his hotel room, still grumbling about MN, but suddenly recalling how she had been limping badly. "That kid got hurt, too.." Yeah, you don't care. Naw, not at all.


During the ride home, Jeremy eyes Mi Nam suspiciously, finally making up his mind and asking her if she's done anything to TK. MN responds drearily that she's just a nuisance, and Jeremy begins remembering the scene in front of the elevator quite a bit differently that the reality -- namely, MN is trying to evilly seduce TK in this version.


As Jeremy screams a la Home Alone at his own twisted imagination, Shin Woo notices the injury on MN's hand. Back at the house he bandages it up for her, and they have a conversation where Shin Woo tells her one of his "secrets" (that he hides his regional dialect and accent), perhaps hoping she'll reveal hers to him of her own accord. It's obvious SW is developing feelings for MN, but MN as usual is oblivious, still believing SW thinks she's a guy. Like anyone would. Except apparently Jeremy, who is again spying, and freaks out, suspecting MN is trying to seduce SW as well.


He drops his apple in his panic, and MN offers it back to him, though not nearly in the glowing seductress manner Jeremy imagines she is. He tells her to keep it and flees, hands crossed in front of him protectively. MN just thanks him and smiles. Yeah, she's a real siren, that one.


MN later suffers alone in her room, mostly scared of being exposed and ruining her brother's dream. Poor MN. :( Don't do it, TK!


The woman who previously had been claiming Go Mi Nam was her nephew was apparently not completely full of crap, showing up outside A.N. Studios where the fangirls gather, insisting she get to see MN. Yeah, not happening, ajumma. She sits with the other girls, whining and pulling out a photo of the twins with their father when they were (ugly) children.


MN waits impatiently for the news that Manager Ma has told President Ahn the truth about her identity, and it seems he has as he and Kko Di exit a building, him sighing with relief about having been able to confess everything -- to a priest. Close enough. They both clasp their hands as they see nuns outside the church, one of whom happens to be Mother Abbess, the two discussing "Jemma".


MN keeps waiting for the bad news while TK calls Jeremy, inquiring whether anything is going on with her. Jeremy replies in the negative while watching MN's every move with wide eyes. TK seems confused/frustrated that she hasn't told them yet. That should change in about 2 episodes or so, yeah?


As Choi Mi Ja (the irritating aunt) comes back from a bathroom break after waiting a good part of the day, she discovers she's just missed A.N.Jell -- and her nephew. She adds the envelope with the picture to a stack of fan mail going into the building, telling the carrier it must be given to Go Mi Nam and she'll be waiting outside. The guy nods and smiles in an "okay, crazy lady" kind of way. A few minutes later, MN inquires the same guy as to the whereabouts of President Ahn. It seems she's going to tell him the truth herself. He tells her the president is off in a meeting, and she shuffles off to wait in his office, the envelope lying forgotten on the table. Meanwhile, Mi Ja gets a call about losing money that sends her into a panic, and she prepares to leave instead of waiting.


Later, the mail dude remembers, coming into the office to give her the envelope. When she opens it and sees the picture, she's clearly shocked, and runs to question the guy about the sender. After a brief description of a woman in a red dress, MN bolts out the door, and not seeing anyone fitting the description, questions the fangirls. Dumbstruck that someone like her just came out of the building by herself to talk to them (being boyband royalty, and all), they quietly point her in the right direction and stare after her, looking like they aren't quite sure what just happened. As MN runs down the street, TK spots her from his car. "Go Mi Nam?"


She runs all over the subway, stopping the wrong woman in a red dress and illegally hopping over a few entrance gates. Mi Ja is on the train MN is facing away from, naturally, and neither see each other as the train speeds away. TK approaches MN, pulling her hood over her head and scolding her for going out in public without so much of a disguise as people begin to point at them and whisper.


Outside at the studio, MN tells TK about the photo and the possibility that the woman in the red dress might be the long lost mother Go Mi Nam had hoped to find through his fame. TK doesn't seem to see what's so great about having a mother in the first place, and we soon learn more about why. His is a total bitch.


He again encounters Mommie Dearest at the hotel, engaging in a brief but day ruining conversation. Observing her from afar, he recalls sitting at home alone as a child, watching her on television but not actually getting to see her. Aww, look at bitty TK.


MN finally does meet with President Ahn, but instead of revealing the truth, the possibility of finding her mother simply causes her to reassure the president (and a large Tae Kyung poster behind him) of her resolve to stay and keep trying -- something she then goes to inform the real TK of.


Interrupting his exercise (nice hair), she firmly tells him she's not going anywhere, and that she's going to try her best. Offering a token as proof of her words, she explains it's a ring her mother gave both her and her brother and it's very precious to her -- that's how serious she is, that she's now giving it to him. He considers it for a moment, then throws it with all of his might into the nearby pond. Bitch move.


He tells her she should just give up, because she'll never find it, also seeming to mean that she'll never be able to survive in the spotlight with her secret. However, he underestimates MN, and when he goes back later to check (why? hmmmm.), he finds her still searching the pond. In vain, it seems, as TK opens his hand to reveal the ring he never actually threw. Aww. Good boy. He makes a face that is from here on known as The Face because it's hilarious and adorable and the face he makes when he's grumpy/jealous/contemplating something. It's The Face. TK hesitates before leaving as MN continues to splash around in the pond. Bad TK. Bad.


He tosses and turns, wondering if she's still searching. Going back in the morning, it appears she's left, and he breathes a sigh of relief before seeing her come out from behind a rock, still looking. Damn. Girl's got determination. He tells her again she'll never find it, and she again ignores him until he tells her "It's here," holding it up. She sloshes towards him, her face unreadable, and it's clear TK expects her to be insanely mad. But she just smiles, snatches the ring, says, "I found it." She's so glad he didn't actually throw it, in fact, moments later she wraps him in a giant bear hug. Bet he didn't see that coming.


Amusingly enough, he doesn't even attempt to shove her off until he sees other people, and even then he can't begin to pry her off and just puts his hood up, worrying someone will recognize him and just stands there letting himself be hugged. Cute.


MN takes a nice warm bath at TK's hotel room while he kicks her clothes in lieu of picking them up. Germs. She manages to look more feminine than she has in awhile -- in one of his shirts. *snort*


Both go back to the house, TK moving back permanently. He cheerfully informs her of the upcoming photo shoot at the pool, and all the color drains from her face. Unfortunately for TK's evil plot, the shoot is fully clothed. He grumps and MN grins cheesily.


However, MN struggles with staying underwater for more than a few seconds, making the shoot more difficult for everyone. After a few dozen takes they stop for a break, and a shivering MN is brought a warm drink by SW. I'll stop here to mention all of their colored pants are hilarious to me. Moving on.


Jeremy AGAIN spies -- he apparently has no real hobbies -- as his theory that MN is a master seductress (although he's still not aware of the -ess part) grows while watching MN's interactions with SW and TK. MN spots TK and speeds after him like a little puppy as usual, slipping in the process. He makes no move to help her, instead telling her to be more careful as she cheerfully tells him it's a relief she's the only one who fell. He proceeds to tease her about the shoot, and also about not having gotten to see her in a swim suit. He then assures her there's probably nothing to look at anyway. Pshh. Right. Like you don't wish.


Later it's time to change, and MN yet again faces a dilemma known as the men's locker room as TK smiles evilly at her obvious discomfort. She instead opts to wait until the lights in the pool room are shut off, changing there. Yeah, that's so much more private (?). TK not so covertly looks around the locker room for her as SW asks someone where she is, yet again arousing suspicion in Jeremy.


TK overhears a conversation between a few of the helpers that a piece of equipment has been left out by the pool, and group of them go to look for it as TK goes to look for MN, suddenly worrying someone might find out she's a girl. I thought that was your plan? Curiouser and curiouser. When MN spots the men coming in, she tries to hide, eventually deciding to jump into the pool. Apparently no one hears the splash. TK comes across a few of her discarded clothes (she's in the pool in nothing but pants and the bandage thing that squashes her chest, btw) and looks around, realizing she's in the water as he sees bubbles.


Amazingly enough for someone who couldn't hold her breath for 5 whole seconds earlier, MN is still going strong, and TK seems to get a bit nervous, checking his watch for how long she's been under while watching the others search across the room. Finally MN begins to lose consciousness, and drifts -- AND THEN TK JUMPS IN TO SAVE HER, the episode ending as he reaches for her hand. God I love this drama.


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