Recap: You're Beautiful - Episode 1

I thought I'd start recapping this drama, because I LOVE it and it's currently airing at 6 episodes so far. So, episode 1 recap. Yaaay. ^^ Credit to maxiechan at livejournal for the lovely screencaps I found and used to make my little montages. :B


Drama: You're Beautiful (미남이시네요) 
Episode: 1

We start in a solemn church setting -- organ, nuns, the whole shebang. The nuns, amongst themselves, have a conversation highly reminiscent of The Sound of Music about a young nun in training that is late... again. We see the aforementioned girl rushing across the courtyard struggling with her habit before finally reaching the church, peeking in, and slipping cheerfully into the back row. In the midst of her "Hallelujahs", she spots a young girl in the row across from her clearly not paying attention, her focus on a video player in her hands. She whispers and asks her to turn it off, but the girl simply stares and turns the volume up louder. Rude. This is why children shouldn't be given nice things.


In her adorable naivety, she assumes her request simply wasn't heard -- so she decides to take care of the matter personally, and after a brief struggle, the video player goes flying... into the middle of the church, blasting rock music. To the shock of many. A chagrined Go Mi Nyu (or "Jemma", as she is known in the church) crawls after the video player as it is kicked around the room. When she finally gets a hold of it, she looks up to see everyone staring directly at her, and does what any good nun-in-training would do -- pretends to faint. We cut to what is presumably the concert the little bitch girl had been watching in the middle of church, a group called A.N.Jell.


The crowd goes wild as the three (highly attractive) band members play their little hearts out. On the way back from the concert, a man, most likely the manager, tells the lead singer, Hwang Tae Kyung, that they're seriously considering bringing in a new vocalist to help with the band -- he's straining his voice too much, he needs back up. TK doesn't like this so much. But then, he doesn't look like he likes anything much.


As punishment for disturbing the holiness and sanctuary of church with k-pop, Min Nyu is made to clean the church statues -- which for some reason includes David, who she proceeds to have a lengthy conversation with (with a towel around his waist to shield her innocent eyes). As she contemplates her upcoming move to Rome, the towel falls, and like a good nun, she shuts her eyes, prays a little, and attempts to put it back, distracted after observing that he has bird poop on his backside. Meanwhile, not too far off, a suspicious looking individual is examining a photo that looks remarkably like MN, and comments on the similarity of the faces.


MN later assures Mother Abbess her moped skills are up to par, and jets off to pick up her ticket for Rome. After awhile, she notices a car behind her, and attempts to let it pass. It isn't long before she realizes the car is actually following her. After a bit of a chase, a highly apprehensive MN pulls over. Back at the studio of A.N.Jell, the boss sings the praises of the new vocalist, Go Mi Nam (Hmmmm.). The picture is the same one the other man was holding before. The boss is REALLY excited. Mi Nyu is really not. The suspicious man gives her the wrong idea, and she does the only thing a young nun-to-be can do. Knocks him out.


Chasing after her yet again (and blocked by a rather lazy looking tractor driver for a long minute), the man finally manages to stop MN with a word about her brother. At the studio, the boss keeps congratulating himself on finding such a good vocalist -- one with "the voice of an angel", no less.


It turns out the suspicious man is MN's brother's manager, and he needs her help. Her brother has been chosen as the new vocalist for A.N.Jell, but he can't make the meeting. Perhaps, maybe, since they look so alike, can she pose as him so as not to destroy his dream forever? :D MN agrees, not knowing what the hell she's getting herself into. She shows up on the day of the meeting right on time... dressed as a nun. Seeing many school age girls crowded on the sidewalk outside the studio, she heads over curiously. The girls, clad in angel wing headbands and various other angel themed accessories, compliment her on her originality, assuming she's also an A.N.Jell fan and whining that the band will notice her out of everyone. Why hadn't they thought of dressing as nuns?!


The leader of the fan club, Sa Yu Ri, laments that they wait for hours every day just to see the band members. As if on cue, a white van pulls up and the crowd runs over, screaming. A disoriented MN stands there, blank faced, as it all unfolds. She appears to be awestruck, staring straight ahead as the three walk by. The hyper one, Jeremy (or Kang On Yu), comments on how cute she looks and signs an angel fan one of the girls handed to her as she stands there like a statue. I know she's about to be a nun and all, but can you really blame the girl? I mean... damn.


Manager Ma arrives and hands her a bag of clothes, waiting as she transforms from Go Mi Nyu to Go Mi Nam. She still totally looks like a girl, and a gorgeous one at that. But whatever, there's that whole androgynous thing in Asia. Plus it's a drama. The boss man welcomes her (him), sitting her down to sign the contract, which she does, clumsily, after a moment of hesitation. After which Tae Kyung bursts in to stare down the new recruit, soon after dragging her and the contract with him to the studio room.


She is confronted by both Kang Shin Woo and Jeremy, who comments on how short she is, and then is ordered to sing. Based on how she sings, Tae Kyung can decide if she's even worthy to be in the band. MN hesitates, having not spoken to any of the band members at all yet. She hesitates for so long, in fact, TK smirks to himself. "You can't do it?" he asks smugly, and prepares to rip her contract in half.


At that moment, she starts singing, making everyone freeze. It certainly isn't the voice of a young MALE, but no one seems to be very concerned with that. A shocked TK slowly lowers the contract, staring. A bright light seems to fill the room as a latin hymn pours out of MN's mouth -- voice of an angel indeed.


TK can't really say anything after this, so he just leaves in a huff, and that is taken to mean he approves of her voice, at the very least. Jeremy gives MN a congratulatory pat on the head, and the worst seems to be over.


MN is just glad the whole ordeal is over and done with, a fact which she celebrates with a surprised and desperate Manager Ma. He exclaims that she can't go to Rome, because she needs to keep posing as Go Mi Nam -- due to, Manager Ma claims, some bad plastic surgery he still needs to recover from. Say what, sir? MN is conflicted, and goes to church later to pray and consult with Mother Abbess, who surprisingly tells her to go out and see the world. MN is still set on going to Rome, and she arrives a few days later at the same airport A.N.Jell happens to be traveling to Japan in.


Shin Woo and Jeremy discuss the new vocalist and TK's dislike of the whole situation, who ignores them and walks ahead. MN and TK end up crossing paths -- or more accurately, knocking into each other. A startled MN realizes who it is she's collided with and grabs the first thing on the floor (note: NOT HER TICKET), dashing off before TK can recognize her.


He realizes she's left her ticket behind and attempts to follow her, but MN hides, to the shock of the smoking drinking tourists inside of the room she's in, who look suddenly guilty. She hastily assures them there's no need to worry because she's there, and after a quick peek, heads out of the room. TK calls Jeremy and SW for back up, and MN ends up having to avoid both of them as they start after her (Jeremy in particular running while still preoccupied with eating his ice cream cone).


She manages to dodge TK yet again by hiding in a group of muslims (close enough?). At this point she finally realizes she is holding some sort of music player and NOT her ticket to Rome. Realizing TK has the ticket, she devises a plan to run past and grab it from him, which is of course immediately thwarted by the arrival of SW and Jeremy. The band eventually gives up trying to find her as she's already missed her flight, and head to Japan as a helpless MN sits alone in the airport. She listens to a song from TK's music player, sitting by herself, recalling what Manager Ma had told her earlier.


Her brother had wanted to become a famous singer in order to find the mother that abandoned them so long ago. A flashback of two rather unattractive children that I can only guess are meant to be Mi Nam and Mi Nyu (since they look nothing like the gorgeous Shin Hye) being taunted by a crowd of bitchy kids, one of whom is more than likely related to that brat from the beginning. Go Mi Nam assures a tearful young Mi Nyu that he'll find their mother by becoming famous like she was.


Later in Japan, the press conference to introduce the newest member of A.N.Jell is starting, and MN stands alone in the bathroom, finally removing her nun clothing and taking a pair of scissors (apparently quite skillfully) to her long hair. As she continues to transform herself, the boss announces to a crowd of reporters and fans that Go Mi Nam has arrived, and everyone waits with bated breath.. and keep waiting... as it takes a little longer than usual. 


TK rolls his eyes and grumps until finally, the doors open, and "Go Mi Nam" steps out in all his (her) glory. Jeremy comments on how manly he looks, to which I say, HA. Not so much. Still, everyone is excited, and TK grumps some more. An unknown woman watching the press conference from home comments, wondering aloud if "that boy" is really her son, since they're nothing alike, and it's not clear who she means -- TK or MN.


Later on, MN explores the hugely unrealistic idol house and unpacks (Virgin Mary statue and all). She comes across TK's music player and has the bright idea to return it to his room. She snoops a little, putting the music player in his desk, bumping a lamp, and commenting on the lack of dust just before she realizes TK is coming back.


Hiding quickly in the bathroom, MN searches for a place to duck behind without success. TK notices the lamp has been moved, as one who is extremely OCD often does. Hearing a noise in the bathroom he goes to investigate and MN promptly sits on the toilet as he enters, trying to look inconspicuous. Fail. He asks her what exactly she's doing, and in her nervous fumbling to answer, the bidet turns on her as TK watches blankly.


After 30 seconds (which TK promptly times, looking at his watch just before it shuts off), the bidet yields and a sopping yet sheepish MN attempts to apologize. He asks her if she's done with her toilet shower, and she bows in apology and splashes him. He cuts her off, saying he can tell that since she does things he hates, he will hate her. She will continue to do things he hates, and he will continue to hate her. Harsh. She apologizes again, leaving. He comments to himself to be more careful, as he had no idea how dangerous the bidet was. Odd.


Later at a club, a nervous MN gulps down champagne with a grimace (she grew up in a convent, okay?) as TK looks on in disgust. Manager Ma drags her over to a nearby woman, who happens to be the band's stylist, and in on the secret. She immediately puts her hands on MN's chest, soon after assuring her "they're so small [she'll] never get caught", to MN's mortification.


MN attempts to entertain quite a few women who all exclaim she's their type as she downs more champagne, inevitably becoming quite tipsy. Manager Ma suggests she head to the bathroom, which she does, surprised to find a replica of the statue of David there. As she wonders aloud what he's doing there, Jeremy walks in after her and asks her why she's in the ladies room, which she uses her drunken stupor to advantage to answer. As she stumbles away, a confused Jeremy is at a loss as to why he suddenly feels somewhat.. nervous.


MN next bumps into Shin Woo, who advises she go up to the roof for some fresh air. Jeremy spots her heading in a direction that is not the bathroom and wonders to himself what on earth she's doing. A suddenly nauseous MN encounters TK on the roof, who panics as she makes it clear she is about to barf, offering various useless things to puke in (such as a water bottle) before settling on a flower pot. Trying not to vomit himself, TK replaces the flower in the pot, where it promptly dies.


MN, who is feeling much much better at this point as Jeremy and Shin Woo arrive, decides it would be a fantastic idea to climb up on a bench and yell about the sky. Naturally, she slips, and the three others run to catch her as she heads right toward their faces.


I think everyone knows how this is going to turn out.


We suddenly cut to a dream sequence, where a goddess like long haired MN floats down from the sky, the other band members watching after her in awe. That is so a bad wig, but she looks nice anyway.


She smiles in her sleep, commenting on what a wonderful dream this seems to be. And... I know, right? Just look where she's sleeping.


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