Hana Yori Dango v. Kgotboda Namja (Boys Over Flowers)

When I first watched Hana Yori Dango (my third ever j-drama after Nodame Cantabile and Hanazakari no Kimitachi e), I fell in love with the story and the characters pretty much immediately. So much so that after I had watched Hana Yori Dango 1 and 2 and Hana Yori Dango Final, I decided to venture out into the unknown and watch my one and only k-drama to date. Though based on the same story, Boys Over Flowers has a few large differing points. Since I'm an extremely bored sort of person at times with a lot to say, I thought I'd compare the two piece by piece. So. Here goes nothing.

Makino Tsukushi v. Geum Jan Di
Without a doubt, Makino Tsukushi is an admirable character. Plus she's a cutie, isn't she? You root for her right off the bat, and Inoue Mao's facial expressions are hilarious. I can't find any major flaws with her character that annoyed me as much as with Jan Di. She's clearly a strong individual who really doesn't take much crap from anyone, despite being a little clueless sometimes. Koo Hye Sun attempts to do the same, but it seems more like she's just PMSing and pulling faces all the time than actually standing up for anything. Plus for some reason, she almost always looked unattractive. Not to say Hye Sun isn't pretty. Because she actually is. That's the weird part. Jan Di basically never looked like she gave a crap. Almost like she wasn't ALLOWED to. It's like they tried their hardest not to let her look nice. Especially when she was supposed to. She looked absolutely ridiculous when she was meant to be all dressed up. Mao looked so cute in her little white party dress, and Hye Sun could have looked beautiful as well, but they like, fucked with her hair and put her in some ugly pink dress and fur.. wrap.. thing. I still can't decide if that was MEANT to look awful or not. Judging from the way Jun Pyo was apparently awestruck by her appearance, I'm guessing they thought it looked pretty good. It didn't. She's actually a gorgeous girl, they just never put her in anything that suited her and made her looks stand out. And I'm not sure who the costume designer was on BOF, but Jan Di basically slummed it the entire show buried in nothing but giant ugly sweatshirts. I mean, I know she's supposed to be poor and 'plain', but good grief, let the girl look passable. Have some compassion, people. Overall I have to say Makino wins over Jan Di. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate Jan Di. Not at all, she was actually a good character despite everything. But Inoue Mao is just too excellent, folks. Long ass paragraph, sorry. But Makino's my favorite. :B

Domyoji Tsukasa v. Gu Jun Pyo
Honestly, I've thought about it.. and it's gotta be Domyoji. Despite playing essentially "the same" character, they both had their own interpretations. Matsumoto Jun played Domyoji from one end of the emotional spectrum to another, and he's damn good at it. Giddy, indignant, sweet-- Jun seems to be able to do it all at the drop of a hat. Lee Min Ho's take was a bit different, but also semi pleasing to watch as he's a good actor. Overall I think Jun Pyo was a bit more serious than Domyoji, though they both played his not-so-bright moments well, and it wasn't hard to believe either of them were leaders when they walked into a room. However, I do think Domyoji was more serious about getting Makino back. He seemed much more willing to fight for her, whereas Jun Pyo seemed to just sort of sit back and feel sorry for himself the entire time he was engaged. Therefore nothing happened until Jae Kyung called off the wedding. I've got nothing against Lee Min Ho, because he was really good. The character he played is another story. There were times I really liked Jun Pyo, but a lot of the time the crap he did (or didn't do) seriously irritated me. I mean, he was about to break his arm rather than just be like, "Look.. I really can't marry this crazy ho. I love HER." I don't blame Jan Di one bit for calling him out as a coward. He sort of did that the entire drama, just wait around for everyone else to do something and not actually doing a lot himself (unless sitting alone moping and brooding counts). Good thing he's cute. Domyoji was much more willing to take action. He was willing to do just about anything for Makino, which is how his character is supposed to be-- passionate. As stupid as he can be, he came up with a better plan than having his yakuza friend break a limb-- he was going to man up and break off the wedding himself if Shigeru hadn't beaten him to it. Applause for Domyoji.

Hanazawa Rui v. Yoon Ji Hoo
I'll tell you right off the bat: Rui wins. And here's why. I... HATE.. JI HOO. I hate him. Not only is he not even remotely attractive, he's so so so irritating. I really don't understand the obsession people have with Ji Hoo. I'm not at all a big Oguri Shun fan (I honestly don't think he's that hot, but whatever), but he beats Kim Hyun Joong in basically every category I can think of. Acting, looks, annoyance meter.. -_- When I first watched HYD I actually thought I disliked Rui. I really had no idea. I mean, at least Rui knew more or less when to back the hell off and let the friggin' Makino/Domyoji love bloom. Ji Hoo just would not go the fuck away. Not to mention he had two facial expressions: blank stare and creepy smile. Um, no thank you. He looked like an ugly girl. Not. Attractive. Shun has acting skill, and even if I don't particularly loooove him, he's definitely much better. Especially at expressing like.. any emotion at all.

Nishikado Sojiro v. So Yi Jung
Looks wise, I think it's no contest that Kim Bum is far more adorable than Matsuda Shota. Both are fairly good actors, but BOF gave waaaaay more screentime to Yi Jung's character (especially his relationship with Ga Eul). And he used it well, despite his white Mr. Darcy pants (again, who was the costume designer?). So honestly, as good as both characters are, I have to go with Yi Jung just based on the development of his actual storyline. Plus pottery is somehow far more interesting than tea ceremonies. I can also more easily believe Yi Jung is a womanizer. Not only is he cute, his attitude shows more than Sojiro's that he's capable of being a player (although at other times he seems almost too nice to be). This win has absolutely nothing to do with Kim Bum's smile. I swear.

Mimasaka Akira v. Song Woo Bin
Akira is probably the most neglected "main" character of all. Not only is he not really given a proper storyline, he pretty much never is seen on screen without at least one of his F4 buddies. The boy is essentially a sidekick, which is unfortunate as he's meant to be some sort of badass yakuza kid. Song Woo Bin's character isn't much different, but I have to say Kim Joon pulls off the bad boy thing a lot better. He's not given anywhere near the screentime Yi Jung gets (would it honestly be that bad to just cut Ji Hoo's facetime in half and give it to him? Really now? I know I wouldn't mind), and I think if Joon or Abe Tsuyoshi had been, they could have done something with it. Something besides, in Kim Joon's case, a bastardized version of what I can only guess was meant to be the Korean interpretation of American slang. "Yo my bro, wazzup?" Never. Again. But in the end I guess I'd say Woo Bin for being the better bad boy with ties to the underground. Tsuyoshi doesn't really convince me.

Matsuoka Yuki v. Chu Ga Eul
Though Yuki didn't play as large a role in HYD as Ga Eul did in BOF (in a large part due to the Yi Jung/Ga Eul relationship developing), I think both of these actresses were extremely well chosen for their roles. Nishihara Aki's portrayal of Yuki was a much more earnest and eager version, whereas Kim So Eun took a more thoughtful, compassionate route. I actually loved all of Ga Eul's rainbow candy colored coats (the one time the costume designers got it right, go figure) and stuff. Again I'd say the winner is Korea, simply based on the fact that she was given a LOT more to work with, therefore the story of her character is far more interesting. Though both follow the same basic plot, Ga Eul's relationship with Yi Jung develops a lot more than Yuki's relationship with Sojiro. Kim Bum and Kim So Eun also have great chemistry with just enough sexual tension to keep it PG but still interesting. ;) Ga Eul's storyline is overall much cuter, simply because it was more developed.

Okawahara Shigeru v. Ha Jae Kyung
I have to go with Shigeru. I liked Jae Kyung (it's nice that both of them are shown in a way where it's impossible to hate them even if they are completely interfering with the main relationship, I find that refreshing), but Shigeru seems so much more fun loving and goofy, which is what I think her character should be. Jae Kyung is eccentric too, but I found her very dramatic and overly concerned with what Jun Pyo was doing/thinking about. Shigeru seemed more independent and conscious of Makino as her friend, therefore it was easier to believe she would call off her wedding to Domyoji for someone else's sake. Which is probably why Jae Kyung waited until she was at the freakin' altar to decide this.

Sanjo Sakurako v. Oh Min Ji
A girl who spent her inheritance on plastic surgery after plastic surgery because... of that one time when she was little Mini Domyoji/Jun Pyo called her ugly. Waaaay to overreact. This character is essentially supposed to be batshit crazy, and I really only saw that in Scary Eyes Sakurako. Min Ji just basically always looked like she was going to cry (see above), which was extremely irritating. And then she did cry and it was like, "Okay... wish I cared." Sakurako turned into a much better character in the end, as well, helping Makino (even if it was so she'd still have a chance with Domyoji). And after all, if it weren't for her random henchmen (if she spent her inheritance on plastic surgery, how can she afford lackeys?) beating the shit out of Domyoji, we never would have gotten that lovely confession out of him.

Domyoji Tsubaki v. Gu Joon Hee
Emotionally, Kim Hyun Joo was given a bit more to work with, what with her father and the flashbacks to her failed relationship due to her mother. Plus that whole competition thing she organized between Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo, which was pretty pointless and just a waste of an episode, if you ask me. But aside from that these two are basically the same person. They both love their brother, find their mother ridiculous and cruel, and care deeply about the person their brother loves enough to help her out when she's in a fix. I think maybe Tsubaki came across as a little nicer, Joon Hee a little more calculating, but both were very helpful (not to mention essential in the Makino as Domyoji's personal maid storyline, teehee) and caring characters.

Domyoji Kaede v. Kang Hee Soo
Evil v. Evil. It's almost difficult to pick, because I can't choose whether to go with the Evil Mother I thought was nicer or the one I thought was more of a bitch. Kaede was clearly the nicer one (stopped a plane so Domyoji could say goodbye to Makino-- I sort of love her for that) even when she was an evil hag. And in the end she accepted Makino, which was nice. President Kang, on the other hand, basically just got pissed everytime she heard Jan Di was still breathing, which was a bit excessive, especially since it was entirely her fault in the Korean version that Geum Jan Di and her son even met. She gave her the damn swimming scholarship (oh, yeah, what was that about, btw? O_o) and then she acted like someone else stuck her in the school to be a nuisance. Oooookay, crazy.

Toudou Shizuka v. Min Seo Hyun
Not exactly an essential character, but a nice one who helped (unless she was the one who did Jan Di's hair for the party?) the main character out, despite the fact that she was supposed to be the most talented beautiful rich intelligent person ever. Because that so happens in real life. Not. But I swear, the whole time I was wondering when Seo Hyun was going to show up and distract Ji Hoo like Shizuka always did with Rui. I mean, Shizuka would always pop up at the most random times. Why couldn't Seo Hyun have done that and taken Ji Hoo back to Paris with her? Forever? PLEASE?

Makino's Family v. Jan Di's Family
I remember when I first watched HYD and thought, "Holy crap, her family is kind of annoying. Sort of pathetic and dramatic too.." Oh, how naive I was. How dreadfully naive. For I had yet to have my senses accosted by the pure retardation that is the Geum family. Seriously, I'm not sure where they found these people, but if they told them, "Just try to over act and be as thoroughly ridiculous as you possibly can, thanks", they came through. Big time. My vote goes to the slightly less annoying/more nice and supportive Makino family. They seemed like they actually cared about Makino more than they cared about money. The Geums were just like, "Ohh, here's what we can buy when you marry that rich kid. Never mind you don't actually even like him yet... go whore yourself, quick!"

F4 Japan v. F4 Korea
My loyalty lies with F4 Japan, I have to say. Besides, it's more like F4 Japan v. F3 Korea and That One Useless Guy anyway. F4 Korea is probably overall a little better looking (minus Ji Hoo), but they seem less badass and more like the.. er.. fine dining and cravat types. F4 is supposed to be rich, and they know it, and they show off, but F4 Japan somehow seems less high and mighty. Plus they don't usually wear bow ties to school. Which makes them infinitely cooler. However, I did find a video that makes F4 Korea seem a little more awesome. Editing skills. Until of course Ji Hoo shows up with his fucking violin. There's also a good video by the same person about F4 vs. F4.

Makino/Domyoji v. Jan Di/Jun Pyo
Makino and Domyoji, of course. Not only do Inoue Mao and Matsumoto Jun have amazing chemistry, they're both amazing actors. I BELIEVED they were in love (and secretly hope MatsuJun and Mao have a real thing for each other but that's another story entirely), whereas with Jan Di and Jun Pyo I kept wondering when Jan Di was even going to start liking him back. Until I realized SHE ALREADY DID, supposedly. It seemed more like she was hung up on Ugly Girl Kid the entire time, for reasons I can not possibly fathom. And then she fell in a pool and tried to almost drown herself so Jun Pyo would remember her and apparently that was meant to be like, proof she loved him. What?! Lee Min Ho was great, but the affection HE was acting out never seemed to be reciprocated properly. Which I don't understand, because it's supposed to be THEIR story, pretty much. I liked their relationship, but if it weren't for Lee Min Ho I'd honestly be like, ".. What relationship?" He saved that shit.

Another important symbol of both relationships was the necklace. Domyoji gave Makino a Saturn necklace, and Jun Pyo gave Jan Di a "kissing star" necklace. Out of the two, I would have to say the kissing star necklace is prettier. It'd be the one I'd want to wear. But then, I've never been one for pearls. However, I think the meaning behind Makino's necklace is much sweeter. He gave her a Saturn necklace because their horoscopes said they were both from Saturn. How cute. Jun Pyo's gift was basically like, "Uh, so I paid a bunch of money (I think at one point he even said, "Do you know how much that necklace costs?", which isn't really something you should be saying about a gift you're giving the person you love, but whatever) to have this made special, and I decided you're the moon... because you'll never escape from me. The STAR. =D" Riiiiight. Modesty is so attractive. The necklace is very shiny and sparkly, but that was sort of lame. But they're both cute, and integral to the story, really.

Overall Plot
Again, I have to side with Hana Yori Dango. Not just because I watched it first and therefore love it more (though that's most likely the case), but because it told more or less the same story, only better. BOF felt like it dragged on. Hana Yori Dango was short and sweet, but left you wishing it wasn't so short because of how good it was. Also, I far prefer the ending of Hana Yori Dango 2 to the end of Boys Over Flowers. I especially prefer the ending of Hana Yori Dango Final to Boys Over Flowers, canon manga or not, because that was just beyond adorable. Overall I found Boys Over Flowers a bit weird. It seemed like it took too long to just tell the damn story, and I felt like they added a bunch of unnecessary crap trying to make it different. Like, Jan Di being a swimmer and Jun Pyo being afraid to swim. Okay, it was pretty cute when he rescued her and told her he had decided he would rather die than watch someone else save her, and therefore learned to swim, but that whole storyline didn't really serve any purpose besides that. And I guess putting Hye Sun in a bathing suit. An ugly one, of course, since I guess she was not allowed to be attractive. It seemed more like it was just stuck in to change the story around from HYD's. Plus the way Jan Di even ended up at the school was weird. She's delivering.. dry cleaning.. and she catches a full grown teenage boy by his shirt as he jumps off the school roof? Uhhhh... oooo.. kay... Where the hell did that even come from? Also Makino's punch to the face and the way she stood up to Domyoji seemed much more effective (not to mention more awesome) to me than the whole ice cream in your face/'come get it dry cleaned at mah folks' store, bitch' (I may be paraphrasing)/later yell karate style and kick you" thing. Punching is a natural human reflex. Spinning back kicks take like, time and thought. It makes no sense, really. Plus I don't really like how they gave F4 all these severely emo traumatic childhood experiences (except Woo Bin, of course, because he's apparently the only person who just doesn't matter.. O_o) and then like... veered away from the actual story trying to make everyone seem all deep and tortured. It was like, "Okay... I don't.. care..." Not to say I didn't like some of the things they added, but I think they put in too much that was just useless. There's a difference between making it your own and just throwing in random crap to seem original. Hana Yori Dango might not be word for word from the manga either (which I've never read and don't really plan to, so that's irrelevant), but I simply was just more entertained watching it. I found the plot more interesting, the characters more likeable, and the show very well done. But I still love both. There's a reason it's so popular. XD


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your devotion ... Thank you for that :)

If only I could express how much I love Hanada with words. TsukasaxTsukushi for the win, for ever! Yaayy! (and if that also means Matsumoto Jun and Inoue Mao for real, I would be an extremely happy(er) fan!! xD <3 <3 <3 (--bee--)

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